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FIRST Lego League Program
Are you ready to accelerate your company’s journey towards Operational Excellence? Do you have high potential employees motivated to learn and prepare for Lean certification?
MMEC’s Operational Excellence program is a valuable opportunity to elevate the professional skills of your team and prepare for company-wide excellence. The program has been recently updated to reflect the latest core material, body of knowledge and test requirements for the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Bronze Certificate.
SMMP and MMEC offer exclusive discounts for SMMP members on the Lean Bronze and Silver Operational Excellence programs for a limited time. This golden opportunity is tailored exclusively for SMMP members only!
Not an SMMP member yet? Now is the time, especially if you have employees ready for Lean training. With an advocate-level SMMP membership investment of $1,000, you receive a $1,000 discount on a Bronze-level or Silver-level class. Essentially, you cover the entire cost of your membership with just one SMMP benefit and then get the rest of the SMMP benefits for a whole year!
What’s Happening at SMMP
- by Executive Director
Unveiling the Success of SMMP at January Event and Quarterly Meeting
Montana's manufacturing landscape experienced a dynamic and ...
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